“2017柬埔寨纺织国际峰会”将于2017年10月25日至26日在柬埔寨金边索菲特佛基拉酒店隆重举行。本次峰会是柬埔寨服装制造商协会与上海希为投资管理有限公司共同举办,并得到了柬埔寨商务部,劳工部等的大力支持。 众所周知,纺织业是一个传统行业,也是一个变化迅速的行业。劳动力成本上升,产业转移,互联网技术的革新,以及区域全面经济伙伴关系等因素都极大地影响着亚洲纺织服装业的发展。对于纺织企业来说,了解亚洲各区域的最新采购趋势和发展现状是尤为重要的。 两天的会议将会汇集200+纺织行业产业链上不同纺织服装品牌的企业高层和行业内的专家,深度交流和探讨当前中国和东南亚各国纺织业面临的新形势和新挑战。本次峰会将聚焦热门话题包括:柬埔寨纺织服装行业现状与未来展望,纺织工厂劳动关系分析,柬埔寨服装供应链的挑战,英国退欧如何影响柬埔寨纺织服装业等。帮助业内人士更好地应对挑战抓住机遇。同时本次会议也作为一个平台,帮助大家增进了解,对话合作。 本次论坛将包括: 主要的东南亚各国纺织协会领导人的精彩演讲 跨国纺织服装品牌商的企业高层和业界知名纺织专家的精彩演讲 200+国内外纺织服装企业决策人及行业权威 本次论坛将就如下热点话题进行深入探讨: 为什么选择柬埔寨:从政策角度分析柬埔寨纺织工业的优势 柬埔寨纺织服装行业现状与未来展望 柬埔寨纺织工厂劳资关系现状分析 深度解读“一带一路”及其对柬埔寨纺织服装行业的影响 英国脱欧如何影响柬埔寨纺织服装业 如何在柬埔寨进行最有效的采购 柬埔寨纺织服装业的技术应用现状 如何在柬埔寨建立道德供应链 柬埔寨服装供应链的挑战 小组讨论:留下或离开:是否值得继续在柬埔寨采购 柬埔寨纺织生产发展之路 整合与共赢:如何充分发挥柬埔寨服装生产的优势 纺织服装供应链最佳化学品管理与测试解决方案 案例研究:可持续的服装生产实践 东南亚的未来:如何平衡不同的生产 纺织服装厂合规审核和安全措施 小组讨论:柬埔寨纺织服装厂的实际生产状况
更多详细内容,请登录官方网站: 2017柬埔寨纺织国际峰会 http://www.ecvinternational.com/2017cambodiaTextileSummit/
信息咨询: 联系人:Jennifer Yu 电话:+86 21 8026 0708-806 邮箱:Jennifery@ecvinternational.com Cambodia
Textile Summit 2017
Cambodia Textile Summit 2017 will be held in Sofitel Phnom Penh
Phokeethra on October 25th-26th 2017, which is co-organized by Garment
Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) and ECV International. We’ve also
received the support from Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Labor in Cambodia
and so on. As we know, textile industry is a traditional industry with rapid changes. The rising labor costs, industrial transfer, internet technology, RCEP have all made a great influence on the Asian Textile and Apparel Industry. For all the textile enterprises, it’s really important to know the latest sourcing trend and developmental situation in some main Asian countries. The 2-day conference is to bring together textile experts and researchers from around the world who are interested in exploring the latest trends and technologies of textile Industry. There will be more than 200+ senior experts and top managers in all aspects of industrial chain attending this summit. This summit will focus on the hot topics such as: The Current Situation and Development Outlook of Textile and Apparel Industry in Cambodia, An Analysis of the Present Situation of Labor Relations in Textile Factories in Cambodia, Meeting the Challenges of Dynamic Supply Chain Based on Local Conditions, How Brexit Has Affected and Will Influence Textile and Apparel Industry in Cambodia, etc. There will be numerous opportunities to gain new knowledge, share experiences, network with colleagues, and communicate with industry partners. Cambodia Textile Summit 2017 will include: Wonderful Speeches by Advanced and Well-known Textile Companies Wonderful Speeches by Main South-East Asian Textile Associations Wonderful Speeches by the Top Executives and Famous Experts 200+ Decision Makers and Industry Authorities from Textile Enterprises at Home and Abroad This summit will focus on the hot topics as below, Why in Cambodia: an Analysis of the Advantages of Textile Industry in Cambodia from the Perspective of Policy The Current Situation and
Development Outlook of Textile and Apparel Industry in Cambodia An Analysis of the Present
Situation of Labor Relations in Textile Factories in Cambodia Deep Interpretation of The Belt
and Road Initiative and Its Influence on the Cambodia Textile and Apparel
Industry How Brexit Has Affected and Will
Influence Textile and Apparel Industry in Cambodia Chose Cambodia: How to Make the
Most Effective Procurement in Cambodia Cost Analysis of Cambodian Textile
Supply Chain Application Situation of Textile
Technology in Cambodian Textile and Apparel Factories How to Build an Ethical Supply
Chain in Cambodia Meeting the Challenges of Dynamic
Supply Chain Based on Local Conditions Panel Discussion: Stay or Leave:
Whether It is Worth Sourcing in Cambodia The Road of Development of Textile
Production in Cambodia Integration and Win-Win: How to
Give Full Play to the Advantages of Garment Production in Cambodia The Best Chemical Management and
Testing Solution for the Textile and Apparel Supply Chain Case Study: Sustainable Garment
Production Practice The Future of South East Asia: How
to Balance Your Production in Different Textile and Apparel Factory
Compliance Audit and Safety Measures Panel Discussion: How Is the Real
Manufacturing Status in Cambodian Textile and Apparel Factories
For more information, please visit our
website as below: http://www.ecvinternational.com/2017cambodiaTextileSummit/
Contact Us:
Ms. Jennifer Yu Tel: +86 21 8026 0708ext806
Email: Jennifery@ecvinternational.com |
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